The Money Is In The List

EMAIL LISTIf the money is in the list -more specifically, your email list – then it’s a good idea to harvest and protect that list with a farmer’s worth ethic. That means slowing the freight train of your frenetic day and follow a detailed progression of content creation and database management.

For example, sending any email message to customers without split testing something is an incomplete project. No testing means no learning and you’ll be hard pressed to improve any of your analytics such as open rate or click thrus in your next campaign.

Another major component is your on-site presentation and your email newsletter signup links. Make sure your signup button or registration field stands out within the design of your website. Don’t forget, the perspective of a new visitor to your website is most likely differently than you do, so don’t assume anything and make your registration big and bold.

When you ask someone for information – even just an email address – most people will expect something in return. Chose your incentive wisely, as the values of each audience can differ. This is also an important area to test what works and what can help you acquire more subscribers.