4 Keys to Successful Email Subject Lines

EMAIL SUBJECTThere is no more important gatekeeper in digital marketing than an email subject line. Create a well-crafted subject line and your reader will take the next step of opening your message. Miss the mark and your intended communication will never be opened or could earn you a consistent place in the spam folder.

Similar to an article headline, an email subject has to convey your message quickly and succinctly. If many copywriters suggest spending more than half your time writing your headline, the same – or more – could be said for developing a solid email subject line.

Here are four extremely helpful components of a successful email subject line, as suggested by Copyblogger. It’s good practice to include at least three of these targets in your work, with utilizing all four being your ultimate goal.

Useful: The content in your email message is valuable and worth reading. This is also a show of respect because you value your prospect’s time and aren’t about to waste it.

Specific: Be completely clear about what you’re communicating. The reader should know exactly where you’re going and what you are promising.

Unique: You’ve created a Purple Cow and it’s in this email. Not only is your content worth reading, but it should be worth sharing.

Urgent: Where does your message fit on your reader’s to do list? Fall too far towards the back and there’s a good chance it will never get opened.

Try to incorporate these four keys into your next email subject line. As always, be sure to split test your results by using slightly different subjects. Testing is what helps you improve, so make sure you take this important step and then analyze your results.